Unphotographable beauty. I came across that term for the first - and only - time in Toni Morrison's
Tar Baby. Its use has been warranted more times than I can recall. For, who among us has experienced a pang of disappointment when, upon reviewing a photo of a majestic scene, realizes that the picture simply does not do it justice? Go on. Raise your hand. I'll wait.
The term came to mind - and use - again, during my recent visit to Jamaica. Reuniting with family and friends was a joyous experience. The highlight of the trip was the wedding. Sis, Durie, got married to her fiance, Ric. I was honoured and humbled to have been asked to be her Maid of Honour. Their special day was a beautiful one in Ocho Rios, St. Ann.
The visit yielded hundreds of breathtaking photos. Hundreds, for, as you know, while there's storage, there will be pics. And that was just from one camera (read: smartphone).
Here are a few I thought I'd share. Again, that term comes to mind. Unphotographable beauty.
Approaching (the dreaded) Flat Bridge, Bog Walk, St. Catherine |
Closer... |
Almost there... |
Over it! |
The rather popular "vaggie rock". You can see why. In colloquial language, it goes by another name. |
View from the North South Highway.
(If yuh want good road, toll haffi run.) |
The folds of the rolling hills, the dramatic suspension of the clouds... |
Panoramic view. |
Making our way through the curves and turns of Fern Gully.
Yes, it's two-way traffic. #GotSkills? |
Heads up! Fern Gully. |
Clean, clear, cool (I guess), and inviting. |
As far as the eye can see...sea! |
Ackee and Saltfish (the national dish) with fried bammy. |
Polly did not want a cracker. Well, we didn't offer one. And, I don't know whether her name is really Polly. |
The clouds were striking! Look! There's a cartoonish character chasing a small dog. |
#UnphotographableBeauty |
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