Tuesday 28 October 2008

Dnafcnatgada: Only for the poetry

I've decided to share poems from my tweens to the now, right here. I'll try to resist the temptation to edit them prior to posting them. However, I shall also reserve the right to reproduce them in other media and edit, as I deem necessary. I learned much about writing while writing, over the years. The argument may be made about 'raw honesty'. But, there's something to be said for learning the right...well, on second thought (and you can tell I've started having second thoughts), we'll see.

Just about the time I'd started writing - poems, short stories, diarya-into-journal entries - I assumed the pseudonym "Dnafcnatgada". Lying in bed one night when I was about fourteen, it just came to me. Like, it was there for only me to take. And I took it. I still don't know what it means, and it still doesn't matter.

I use it only for the poetry.

Leafing through my (rather worn, yellowing and spineless) notebook tonight, I found this one I'd penned twenty years ago - give or take about two weeks. It's dated Saturday, October 15, 1988. Was I in love? I think so.

When I see you again

I came to see you today
And again, you were not at home.

When I see you again
I'm going to cry in your arms
'Cause I missed you so much.
And I'll tell you how much
I longed to see you.

But first
I will demand to know
Just where you were
And what you dared to place before me.
I would like to know
Just how much you value your time with me
How much you loathe the time without me.

But, after that
I will forgive you
As I always do.
When I see you again.


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