Sunday, 28 June 2009

Secret admiration

The world feels different without Michael Jackson. I get up on a morning and, as soon as my thoughts turn to him, the world just...feels different. I'd never met him; never talked to him or wrote to him or even bought his record, tape, CD or DVD. Yet, he was just always there, with me listening and watching and admiring his brilliance, talent and commitment from afar.

I started taking notice as I ventured into my teens and, well, he was just always there, giving the best of himself when he performed. It seemed to make him happy when he made his listeners happy. There was an unmistakable cord of desire to connect with them. With us. He wove something strong and satisfying through music and dance and in every performance, he wrapped millions in this something. And each time was the best of times.

And, when that pure, unselfish offering of oneself is no longer, a hole forms where that substance once was. The world really feels different without him.

Even though there were no plans to meet up with him, he was somewhere on the planet - within reach. Now, no longer. And that is the stark reality that's still a tad too real.

It saddens me that he is no longer here. Still, I'm thankful to God for the time that He allowed him to spend here. Nobody's perfect; he wasn't. I could not venture into that realm. But, he gave the best of himself.

The outpouring of warm, tender and other sentiments continues. I'm sure he knew that he was loved by those who loved him.

In the end, I want it to be said, truthfully, that I gave the best of myself.

Oh, it might've come down to "Will you be there?"



Thursday, 25 June 2009

He made the world a happier place

Michael Jackson is no longer with us. He suffered a cardiac arrest today and very soon after, at 2:26PM Pacific Time, he was no more.

When he was not performing, he seemed to give not much at all. When he performed, he seemed to give everything.

I thank God for the time that He allowed him to spend here on earth. He made the world a happier place.

Yet to determine my all time fav Michael Jackson song - didn't think I'd have to think about that within a context such as this and so soon.

"It's the most honest song I've ever written. It's the one [Childhood] you should listen to."
- Michael Jackson (1958 - 2009)


Thursday, 18 June 2009

Second chances

Ever felt like you've made a nincompoop of yourself in the presence of people on whom you really should be making a good impression and the moment it happens you feel the blood rush to your face and your eyes feel all heavy-like and you kinda do that bit of nervous chuckle and you know nobody gets it - especially you! - and you just hope that someone will, sometime in this inordinately long time (which only feels long but it's really been three seconds) come to your rescue?

Then, someone does.

Had one of those moments today. Can you tell? What's that about only a first chance to make a good impression?

After replaying the moment for the umpteenth time, I've decided to (try harder to) let it go. Lessons learned. Inhale. Exhale. I mean, after all, tomorrow is another day. I may get an opportunity to say and/or do something that's sheer genius! I'll make sure to grab it.

And that's how I look forward to, and prepare for, my second chance to make a great impression.


Monday, 8 June 2009

Of two loves

How do you say goodbye, when you didn't even have a chance to say goodbye?

My friend had married her high school sweetheart (though he was from a different high school). They were together for almost 20 years. He passed away last week. Suddenly. First there was the pain, then, it seems like right after, the passing.

She called him her "beautiful husband."

I phoned a mutual friend to give her the numbers. She'd been crying. It was a terribly hard decision to put Ebony down. For 16 years, her cocker spaniel had given her much joy.

It didn't help that she had a chance to say goodbye.
